Thursday, October 2, 2008

Boston Trip!

I sneakily went out of Pittsburgh to Boston for 2 days. It's still in winter and it's even colder than in Pittsburgh!! (o_O). I love Boston because it's so beautiful. All the buildings, parks, and even people are so nice. I went to many favorite places such as Harvard, MIT, Frog pond, New England aquarium, Harvard museum of national history, museum of science and Sky observatory and Prudential center. Traveling was comfortable because there's subway everywhere. However, I felt a bit sad that I couldn't find the hospital that the king of Thailand was born. But that's fine. Maybe it's a reason for me to come back again! :-D

Timestamp: 17 February 2008

Heavy Snow~ Yeah..

Woooa.... there is a lot of snow now in Pittsburgh, and everything turns to white. I love the snow because it's soft and beautiful. However, walking to school while it's snowing is not a fun activity. I took this picture in front of CMU.

Another picture is a beautiful house near my apartment. It looks more beautiful with white snow around.

Timestamp: 12 February 2008


Spring is a time for finding a job because most of students are graduating after this semester. That's why CMU's holding a big job fair called Employment Opportunities Conference (EOC for short). I also joined the event because I need to find an internship for my summer. That's the requirement of my program. It was so crowded inside the gym. I talked with many companies with hope that one of them will accept me (-_-"). The companies I talked to include Microsoft, Apple, Mozilla, VMWare, EA, Oracle, Amazon, Yahoo!, and much more (got a lof of gifts too! ha ha ha). Anyone wants me for the summer internship? ;-)

Timestamp: 7 February 2008

Wow! Pittsburgh zoo in winter (-_-")

I knew that Pittsburgh has a zoo for a long time, but I just had chance to go there in winter. Hmm....sounds like not a good time to go there, right? And it's true. Most of animals were not at their places. I think the zoo might kept them somewhere which is warmer than outside (it's still pretty cold at the time I went there). However, some were still left to see: lions, leopard, the polar bears, penguins. The zoo was not so big, so I could complete the whole park in 2-3 hours. It's also a lot of fun to watch the small penquins and meerkats. It should be better to come again in summer :-).

Timestamp: 19 January 2008

Machine Learning

Machine Learning, the innovative invention to teach machine to learn just like our human. It's a great course, of course. What makes it more special is I am studying with Tom Mitchell. However, it's also very difficult. I didn't have any statistics background before and all the materials are related to statistical method & data. I also had a lot of workload this semester because another course, Distributed Systems was also tough. I wish I could give more time & effort on this subject....

Timestamp: 25 January 2008

Back to School!

Pheewww... the winter break was over, and it's time to come back to study again. I arrived Pittsburgh just few days before the semester started. The weather was still (damn) cold here. There was snow everywhere... (-_-"). However, I know that spring was coming and everyone was waiting for it. I just understood now why American people love to lie on green grasses under strong sunlight. That's because they were so sick for the black & white shade of winter! Me too!

I was taking 4 courses this Spring. They included Machine Learning (wow~ tough one), Distributed Systems (wow~ another tough one for me), Web Application Development (I love this course a lot), and VLIS seminar. Hope I can survive this semester (-_-").

Timestamp: 14 January 2008.